My Goals and Vision

Habakkuk 2:2-3 Write the vision plainly on tablets,
    so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
This vision is for a future time.
    It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
    for it will surely take place.
    It will not be delayed.


Have you ever been afraid to set goals? In the back of your mind comes the thought, I’ve set goals before, and they never happened. Don’t allow the devil to intimidate you.


Write your goals, your vision for this year. Then get your scripture, pray over it, and start confessing it. Also, meditate on your scripture, make it part of you, visualize your vision completed. Keep your faith up and stay stirred up about your vision.


Goals and vision beyond what we can see happening, need our thinking elevated to the supernatural. That’s exactly what the Word of God does for us. It infiltrates our minds and shows us all things are possible to him that believes.


Love Pastor Carol

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