Let Go and Let God

So, where is God in these offense-defense situations? Well, you may find out that He's not in the picture. Why? Because we reject His defense on our behalf.

 God desires to be our vindicator and recompense. He stands ready to defend us, but when we allow ourselves to be offended, we close Him out. We take matters into our own hands instead of leaving them in His, and we keep Him from being our defender.

God promises in Isaiah 54:17, "Every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.” But to receive this, God requires that we let Him handle it. We must roll every attack and offense onto Him. He will always show us to be in the right—if we let Him.

As we give our offenses to God, we become less defensive and more effective in talking to others. The better our communication, the better our relationships. And that's our goal: to build the kind of relationships that God can use to minister to us and through us.

Love Pastor Carol

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