The Choice to be Happy Part 5

John 10:10 Jesus said, “I came to give life with joy and abundance.”


Do you know that you can be happy if you choose to be happy? You've got to be determined to enjoy your life. You've got to be determined to not waste one day of your life being unhappy.

That's not what Jesus went to the cross for. Jesus went to the cross for you that your life might be full and complete until it's overflowing with joy.


Some Christians wish for futuristic happiness. I’ll be happy when…

·         I'll be happy when I get married.

·         I'll be happy when I get divorced.

·         I'll be happy when I have kids.

·         I'll be happy when they get old enough to go to school.

·         I'll be happy when I get that job.

·         I'll be happy when I get that promotion.

·         I'll be happy when my kids are grown and gone.

·         I'll be happy when I get that car.                              


You don’t have to wait for tomorrow. God wants you to be happy with today. He wants you to be happy with your life...not just when something happens.


You have to make the choice every day when you get up, "I'm going to have a great day. This is going to be a good day. This is going to be the best day that I have ever had."


Keep declaring, "I've got a life, and I'm going to live my life to the fullest, and it's going to be better and better and better.”


God's Word will be at work if you choose today to be happy.


Love Pastor Carol

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