Count It All Joy

James 1:2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.


When you’re believing to receive the promises from God, but it seems like nothing is changing, nothing is happening. You’ve got to keep standing! You’ve got to keep your joy level set high and expect to receive!


Joy gives you patience or staying power. It helps you to stay in a position of faith while God is working things out for your life. If you rejoice while you wait for the answers to your prayers, it won’t be long until you receive what you believe.


James said, “Have joy when troubles come.” He didn’t say it’s a joy to have trouble. Look at your problems, then start laughing at the devil because God is turning it around for your good. Jesus paid too high a price for your victory for you to be defeated. 


When you’re going through difficult times, turn your joy up! We’re supposed to count it ALL joy. Your joy may be in a simmering stage, but you can turn it up to the maximum and get the full manifestation of whatever you’re believing for!


Love Pastor Carol

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