Will It Be Joy or Sorrow?

Nehemiah 8:9-10 Now, as God’s law was read, the people began to weep. But Nehemiah, Ezra the priest and scribe, and all the ministering Levites said to the people, “This day is sacred to the Lord, your God. It is not a day for mourning and weeping.” Ezra said, “Go back to your homes and prepare a feast. Bring out the best food and drink you have, and welcome all to your table, especially those who have nothing. This day is special. It is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve over your past mistakes. Let the Lord’s own joy be your protection, strength & stronghold!”
If joy is strength. What is sorrow? It brings weakness.
Joy is our spiritual force, our weapon. It’s the Lord’s joy, it’s from Him. Joy isn’t a state of mind. It’s the strengthening of the Spirit of Life. It literally makes us strong, in our spirit, our soul and our body.
In Proverbs 17:22It says, a joy-filled heart is a curative balm. Joy has an effect on our physical body. So, if joy does this for us, then what does sorrow do?
Sorrow does the opposite to us. Sorrow leads to depression, sickness, bad attitudes, and even death.  If sorrow grows to excess in you it will hinder your joy in God.
There is a choice to be made, to have the joy of the Lord or to have sorrow. Some Christians don’t believe they can.
If you believe you’re a prisoner of your feelings and a victim of your circumstances, you’re stuck. When you believe the lie, the lie will keep you in bondage.
BUT the truth is - we’ve been made more than a conqueror, an overcomer, the truth is - greater is He that’s in us than he that’s in the world!
All we have to do is choose joy or sorrow. It’s up to us.
Love Pastor Carol

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