The Bible in America’s History

If we’re going to preserve the foundation of America, we have to preserve religion and morality—not only in our private lives and families, but also in business, education, and government.
One of the greatest influences in the founding of this nation and throughout its history has been the Bible.
·      Over 257 idioms in the English language come from the Bible. (e.g.: “handwriting on the wall,” “nothing new under the sun,” “signs of the times,” “fly in the ointment”)
·      Hollywood, high school drama departments, and Broadway all have movies/plays based on Shakespeare—and Shakespeare’s dialogue included over 2,000 Bible verses.
·      Can you name the five Bible verses on which the free market economic system was based or the thirty New Testament verses on which the first amendment guaranteed the rights of religious conscience are based?
·      The opening prayer session in Congress in September 1774 ran for two hours.
·      Congress called the nation to prayer fifteen times during the American Revolution.
·      By 1815, there were 1400 official government issued calls to prayer in America.
·      Out of the 56 guys who signed the Declaration of Independence, 29 of them held what we call today seminary or Bible school degrees.
We can recognize that the Bible is America’s foundation manual. The Bible was instituted in everything, homes, schools and government. The Bible was American life and still is today.
Love Pastor Carol

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