Forget the Past

Philippians 3:13 I forget all the past as I fasten my heart to the future instead. My reward is the honor of being called by God in Christ.

Don’t dwell on the past, it’s gone! Mistakes, hurts, offences, grief, sadness are all gone – over! Stop keeping them alive by thinking about them and talking about them. If you don’t, they will never go away, but grow.

Put the word in your heart and mind, think about it talk about it and live by it. Then you’ll be thinking and talking about the Word. You’ll be free from the past and the pain of it. It won’t affect you as it did before, in fact, it won’t at all.  You’ll be so full of the Truth there’ll be no room for past mistakes. That’s what the Word does.

Let God show you what He has for your life and forget the past. Your future is waiting for you.

Love Pastor Carol

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