Always Choose the Word

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is a living thing, lively, and mighty in operation, it’s full of living power: it’s effective, active, and alive; it moves quickly, and speedily in working.

Look to the Word – it has your life in it. The Word is always the answer. It has everything you will ever need for life.

You don’t have to take what the world gives out. The Word is ready and willing to work for you any time and every time, no matter what the situation.

Some say, “How can I do that, it’s bad?” It may be bad, but the Word in you will overcome. Greater is He that’s in you than this bad thing that’s in the world.

We must be diligent with the Word just as anything else we want to work in our life.

Did you lay down and cry because you didn’t make the bed right and say, “I give up?”

Did you whine when you bent the nail and say, “I quit?”

Did you mourn over making a B in math and say, I’m stupid?”

 The Word and practice, together, make anything proficient.

So, by making the bed every day you get better and better. You can make the bed in 1 minute.

Hammer every day and you’ll be like Pastor Gene. He could place the 16-penny nail, tap to set it in the wood and then the next blow would drive the nail all the way to the head.

Study your math every day, and you’ll be successful at making A’s.

These are just some things in life when you apply the Word to them you will see great improvement. When you’re diligent with the Word, things just get better.

Love Pastor Carol

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