Be at Peace and Full of Joy March 29, 2021

Jesus said, "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

Jesus told His disciples exactly what they would face if they followed Him. He said, "…You will have tribulation…." However, Jesus did not stop there.  He went on to say, "…But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

In spite of what we may face, Jesus encourages us to cheer up. Rejoice and be glad. Nothing we face will be able to overcome Jesus. He said, "…I have overcome the world." His death on the Cross was not for Himself alone. It was for us. His victory is our victory!

Instead of living in fear and anxiety, we can live in faith and peace. Jesus said, "…In Me you may have peace…." Your peace is not in this world. It has nothing to do with the amount of money or life insurance we possess. Our security is in the Word of God. God's peace "…surpasses all understanding…" Phil. 4:7.

If Jesus has overcome the world, then we are a world overcomer because He lives in us. If Jesus said we would have peace, then peace is ours. If Jesus said to be of good cheer, then be of good cheer.

Be joyful, and do not allow circumstances to rob our happiness and joy. Be at peace and full of joy because we are overcomers. In the midst of the worst tribulation or difficulty, we can stand immovable as we trust in God's Word.

Love Pastor Carol