Christmas is Our Day of Deliverance December 5, 2022

Luke 2:10-11 says, "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."


The angel of the Lord came to announce to the world that the Savior was born. The word savior means a deliverer, preserver, or messiah. The Messiah has come. The Deliverer has come. The Preserver of life has come. And that brings great delight and great joy.

Christmas is the anointing available for all who believe. The Savior is Christ the Lord; and the word "Christ" is seen in the word Christmas. It means "the anointed one, and his anointing."

The angel is defining Christmas:  there's One coming with something special. He is the One that is empowered to carry out the task of delivering, keeping and preserving mankind. He shall carry out the task of setting you free from bondage. He's CHRIST…the Lord.

Christmas defines Christ as the Lord. The word Lord means one who is supreme in authority.

So, there's great delight for us because the Lord, the supreme in authority, is come. He came that Christmas morning in Bethlehem.

Recognize that Christ-mas is the Anointing of God in you. When you wake up on Christmas morning, give God praise, for this is the day that marks the defeat of the enemy and victory for you.


Christmas marks your day of deliverance.


Love Pastor Carol