Confessing Our Faith June 28, 2021

Mark 11:23 says, Jesus said, “…he shall have whatever he says.”


Our confession brings possession of what we have believed.  We confess God’s Word to bring the thing we desire into reality. We believe in our heart that what we say will come to pass.


Our words can put us over or take us under. It is beneficial for us to read the word every day. Then saying God’s Word will become easier.


Say words that will edify our spirit, words of faith. Speak the word over our family, homes, jobs and relationships. Things can change or improve because what we say matters.


Never talk defeat it is like cancer and comes from the devil.  It spreads from our mind to our mouth and then gets in our heart. It will affect us in all areas of our life and everyone around us.


Instead of looking at things through natural eyes, let us look at it from God’s Word. Believe and speak what God’s Word says, instead of the problem. We can operate the way 2 Corinthians 4:13 says, “I believe therefore I speak.”


Whatever we believe for, the words we speak after we have prayed can determine whether or not we receive our answer. Speak only the Word of God. When people question us on the issue and want to talk about it, speak only the Word of God.


Because Hebrews 10:23 says, Let us hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.


Our words will dominate the circumstances of our lives. It is up to us to choose what we will say.


Our confession is a vital part of our faith. The Word of God has our answers. Confess the scriptures over and over that promise us the things we desire.  As we do, those scriptures will get in our heart.  Our faith will rise to the level of our confession and we will experience victory over our circumstances – because faith in God works.


Love Pastor Carol