Fixed Heart March 28, 2022

In this verse, David states the person who trusts in God is never really afraid because his heart is "fixed" on the Lord. That's good news for us, because in our society it seems that everyone has a dependency of some kind.

Materialistic people are dependent upon money for their happiness. Performers must have a continual supply of applause from their fans.

Authority figures are driven by a consuming hunger for power. Alcoholics lust after liquor to quench their never-ending thirst. Smokers crave nicotine constantly.

We Christians are dependent also. The difference is we look to the Lord as our sole supply. Our dependence is on Him.

This is not a mark of weakness; it is a mark of love and strength. Our reliance is upon the only absolute dependable thing in the universe: the Lord Jesus Christ. Our heart is "fixed," because we trust in Him.


Love Pastor Carol