Freedom July 5, 2021

John 8:36 says,... if then the Son may make you free, in reality you shall be free.


We have been set free by Christ.  Jesus gained victory and freedom for us when He was raised from the dead.  The moment we received Jesus, victory and freedom became ours.  Now every individual has the opportunity to choose freedom.


Our Founding Fathers exercised their choice in 1776, to declare their freedom.  They left their monarchy to be able to freely worship God according to the Word and prayerfully stood for their freedom. 


Some Christians stay in bondage because of fear even though they’ve been set free.  Why stay in bondage when we have been set free – why not come out of it?


Just as the Israelites in the wilderness, they complained and complained, because they were afraid.  Afraid they wouldn’t have water to drink or food to eat.  They could not trust because of fear.


They feared they would die in the desert.  They remembered back in Egypt they had food and drink.  Their dependence was on their masters – the Egyptians.

They were focused on the past but forgot the persecution and suffering they experienced from the Egyptians.


Even though they were freed from Egypt they were bound to that life. Even though they knew there was a God. They saw Him as far away, unattainable.


What happened at the Red Sea when it was parted and they witnessed with their own eyes the glory of God as they walked across, on dry land? They believed God did it and glorified Him.


What happened after that? Their faith and trust in God was short lived. They had lived in fear for so long they didn’t realize they were really free.


We’ve been made free by our heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus Christ.  He has set us “Free indeed” this means entirely, totally, completely, without any question, doubt, or objection.  We are free!


Love Pastor Carol