God in Us December 12, 2022

Matthew 1:23 says, "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and THEY SHALL CALL HIS NAME EMMANUEL, WHICH BEING INTERPRETED IS, GOD WITH US."

Emmanuel, means God with us. People around the world are following various paths hoping to find a way to their god. But we don't have to search for our God or to strive to reach Him. He came to us! And not only did God come to the earth to dwell with us, but if we have made Jesus our Lord and Savior, now God also dwells in us.


This relationship with God is possible because of the Cross of Calvary. God made the way so mankind can pass from death unto life. It's a free gift of grace that we accept through faith.


This month we celebrate the birth of Jesus. But His birth, Cross, grave, and Resurrection all go together. Jesus was born as a man and lived as a man. But He died as the Lamb of God—the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!


Christmas is the time to remember that Emmanuel, God with us, came and dwelt among us so He could lead us to salvation. This season, as we enjoy our family and friends, remember the best gift that was given to us—God's very own Son, the Savior of mankind.


Love Pastor Carol