God Is Working For Us March 21, 2022

God is always working behind the scenes to direct our steps, answer our prayers & fulfill our dreams, even when we don’t realize it. 


He will coordinate events and move people to bring His plan to pass in our life.

God is faithful to His word. He can be trusted. Just because we don't see Him doing something doesn't mean He is not involved or forgotten us.


Some say, "Well, I don't see anything happening." That doesn't mean God is not doing anything. The angels are busy working because they listen out for His Word. God is doing something right now.

We don't give up on our faith just because we don't see the situation change immediately. As soon as we ask in faith, God begins to work.


But what if it takes a while to see the answer to our prayers or our dreams? Well, if we give up, we'll never see them.


It took Joseph 22 years to see his dream come true. 


It took Abraham 25 years to see the fulfillment of his dreams.


It took 20 years for me to receive my grandkids.


It took 40 years for Joshua & Caleb to see their promise come to pass.  So don't give up...keep on praying; keep on confessing; keep on dreaming.


God is working. It may not seem so but we don’t look with our natural eyes – we look with the eyes of faith.  So, things are working. Just trust the Lord, keep your faith expecting & look for what you are praying – believe that what you pray is received.


Love Pastor Carol