Grace and Truth 26Apr2020

Good Morning Church Family,


When Jesus went into the garden of Gethsemane He was overwhelmed by what was to come.  But when He came out He had a different attitude.  He had the grace to fulfill His Father’s plan. 


The plan to reconnect us back to God.  The plan could only be fulfilled by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 


It’s by the grace of God we stand! 



Grace and Truth


Last week, we saw where Zerubbabel was to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.  He received the word from the prophet Zechariah… “not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit”, says the Lord.  Zerubbabel took confidence in that Word and finished the task by grace alone.  


I’m sure he saw this as something overwhelming. It was the grace he received through that Word to overcome his inability.


When problems or difficulties try to stand in our way, God’s grace will keep us strong and moving forward. 


Faith in God removes the problems or difficulties.


Grace keeps the problems or difficulties from moving us.


The grace of God can grow and multiply in our hearts. Second Peter 3:18, tells us to grow in grace. Paul begins his letters with, “Grace be multiplied to you”.  James 4:6 tells us,…He gives more grace….


We can activate and develop this grace. The truth of God’s Word will create the power to bring change. But it’s not just truth alone, but grace and truth that has become a part of our life.  When we increase in God’s grace on the inside, a greater influence can flow out from us to change things on the outside.


John 1:4-5, 16-17 says:

 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.  And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace.  For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.


There’s a difference between the law of Moses and the truth which came by the Lord Jesus.


There was truth in the law but there was no power for the people to do it.



The truth that Jesus brought had power to live it.  Grace was given to empower the people under the law of the New Covenant. 


Truth without grace only brings law and no power to live it.  Grace and truth bring the freedom to see the promises of God working in us and through us.


When the devil attacks we are not moved because of grace and truth. Grace gives us God’s ability working in us and truth is the Word of God planted in our heart. The two living inside us gives us the power to withstand and overcome.



Hebrews 13:9 says:  

…For it is good that the heart be established by grace…


We are strengthened and made to stand firm by the grace in our heart.  It stabilizes us and keeps us from being shaken.


God’s grace is more than enough! The deposit of God in our heart and the ability given us by His grace, are more than enough to stop the devil in his tracks. 


We live in the truth and the grace of God!


I love you


See You Sooner Than You Think,


Pastor Carol