Hold Fast October 25, 2021

Hebrews 10:23 says, Let us hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.


Paul encourages believers to hold fast the confession of their faith.  Hold fast all the truths of the Word and to keep that hold against all temptation and opposition.


The devil will do anything he can to take our faith, hope and peace from us. It’s up to us to stop him and not to give in to his deception.


Once we have settled God’s Word in our heart, we must stand strong, believe and confess without wavering or doubting. The temptation to quit isn’t an option for us. We must remain steady and immoveable with the Word in our mouth and in our heart.


Our trust is in - He who promised is faithful. God has given us great and precious promises and he is faithful and true to His Word. So, hold fast.


Love Pastor Carol