Hold Fast March 7, 2022

Hebrews 10:23 says, Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for He is faithful that promised.)

We are to hold fast to the profession of our faith — our faith in Jesus and in the Word of God. The word “profession” means to confess; to promise; to acknowledge; assent; to give thanks. It is a heavy thing - a covenant confirmation. It’s not to be taken lightly because God is backing it up. It is a serious and committed statement. The dictionary meaning of profess or profession is: a declaration; to lay claim to; to declare openly; announce or affirm; avow or acknowledge; to affirm faith in or allegiance to. Confess means: to admit as true.


Almighty God means everything that He says. His words have power to create and to command and to bring to pass. When He makes a promise, He is faithful to also keep it.


Love Pastor Carol