Honor June 4, 2023

1 Samuel 2:30 God says, “For those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be insignificant and contemptible (despised, cursed, dishonored, disgraced).”


Some Christians say, “I wouldn’t dare disrespect God.”  But if you disrespect motherhood, fatherhood or those in authority over you, you are disrespecting God. Honoring people is God’s commandment to you.


Sometimes people have an idea about God – then a reality of God can be right in front of their face and they don’t see it, doesn’t meet their criteria so it’s rejected.


Just as Jesus came into the world to His own people and they rejected Him. The ones against Him were the church. They claimed to have the greatest knowledge of the scriptures and here is the Word standing in front of them and they didn’t recognize Him and wanted to kill Him.


Some think they respect God and turn right around and disrespect what is of Him.


I believe God thought this was very important for us because the last five of the Ten Commandments were dealing with people.  So, honoring the people God put in your life is honoring God.


Love Pastor Carol