It is Possible April 25, 2022

Mark 10:27says, “With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.”


Nothing is too hard for God so nothing is too hard for us.


When we live in the full revelation of who we are, we will become the person that God wants us to be. We are people with a purpose or we would not be here.


We are not: nobodies; just barely get byers; strugglers; toilers; or failures.


We are redeemed from the curse of the law.


We are: somebodies (children of the King); have more than enough (God gave us the power to get wealth); overcomers (by the Blood of the Lamb & the word of our testimony); servants (of the most High God); successes (because we keep our eyes on the Word of God).


We have to allow God to elevate our thinking to who He says we are. It’s time to take our place & receive what God has for us.


Love Pastor Carol