It’s Our Choice September 13, 2021

Psalm 119:105 says, Truth’s shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of Your Word makes my pathway clear.


When we hope we expect good things to manifest in our lives. If those hopeful expectations are delayed, it can be an open door for the devil to bring disappointment.


The devil has only one goal in bringing disappointment to a believer. He wants to put out our light.


He wants to kill us but he'll settle for putting out our light and stopping our influence in the kingdom of God. But it’s our choice.


Depression, discouragement, and eventually despair all come from something not happening the way we want.


Faith, on the other hand, says "it's mine NOW!" Forget about what did or didn't happen yesterday. Expect to receive today. Close the door to the devil by casting down vain imaginations that exalt themselves against God's promises for our life. Think on things that are lovely and pure and of a good report.

Be patient and let faith have its perfect work. Our faith will put substance to what we expect and we will have the victory in that area of our life. It’s our choice.


Love Pastor Carol