Kingdom Principles July 18, 2022

Galatians 6:7 says, “A man’s harvest in life will depend                         entirely on what he sows.”


Harvest is the reason for everything the successful farmer does. The plowing, the sowing, the fertilizing, the spraying is all done for the harvest. All preparation is focused on one goal—to get the maximum harvest possible.


The principle of seedtime and harvest the farmer uses to make his land productive is the same principle which God’s kingdom operates.


This means the results we experience in life are a result of the seeds we sow.  Nothing we experience in life is exempt from this truth. Our present situation is a result of the seeds we have sown in the past. The good news is the seeds we sow today can change our future.


Our future is in our hearts in seed form. We can plant the seeds that will create the kind of life that God has destined for us.


God is a God of increase. He made the universe to keep expanding and the earth to keep replenishing itself. It’s God’s design and His way is to create increase.

God expects His Word to bring increase to us. Our harvest will depend                    entirely on what we sow. Let’s press for our harvest like never before.


Love Pastor Carol