Living by Faith May 17, 2021

Psalm 37:5 says, Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.


Living by faith is trusting in the One who gave us life. Who placed us on a planet just far enough from the sun we wouldn’t burn up or freeze. It was a very specific spot in the universe.


He gave us the provision on this planet that will never run out.  The reports of the world are lies. After all, God did create it!


Who gave us His spirit (our best gift), His Word (our life instruction) and His Name (the Name that will overcome anything)?


Who implemented a plan designed just for us. Who gave us dominion and authority over everything because He knew we would need it? Who gave us His strength, His peace, His joy?


Lord God – Who am I that I would not trust You, the One who created me? It was all because of love.


So, surely we can have faith in our God (our Father, our Friend, our Savior, our Lord and soon coming King).


So, surely we can trust the One who gave us life and breath and everything we could ever desire.


So, surely we will trust that when we speak the Word over something, it has to change.


Surely we can believe He can make wrong things right.


Surely we can believe He is our unlimited, unfailing, faithful source of our supply.

Surely we have no objection about forgiving, thinking right, talking right or acting right.


Surely goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.


It’s all summed up in one word – Love.


The love of God that the Holy Spirit of God placed in our hearts when we were born again makes this possible.


So living by faith in a Father that gave us life and all provision is easy.


Love Pastor Carol