Open Doors January 17, 2022

Rev 3:7-8 for these are the words of the Holy One, the True One, who opens doors that none can shut and who closes doors that none can open: 8Now I have set before you a wide-open door…

Jesus opened the door of salvation that no man can shut.

When Jesus shed His blood & died on the cross, the curtain that separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy place was torn in two. The curtain separated man from the presence of God.

Once it was torn by Jesus’ sacrifice, the Presence of God wasn’t in a man-made tabernacle anymore. Now the Presence of God came to live in every person who would receive Him.

That’s why Jesus is the Door, because He made the way for every person who will ever live on the earth to be saved.

He opened the door for a better life, dreams and goals to be accomplished, blessings in our life, wholeness and health.

God chose us – Jesus gave us the door of opportunity to choose Him.

We chose to go through the door of salvation that Jesus opened. There are people all around us we can witness to, plant love in their heart and show them the open door of salvation through Jesus.

Love Pastor Carol