Our Confession May 10, 2021

Hebrews 10:23 says, Let us hold fast the confession of our faith without wavering; for He is faithful that promised.


We are to hold fast the confession of our faith.  If the job offer doesn’t come, or we don’t get the raise what are we going to do? We continue to confess the Word and believe what we ask in prayer until it manifests.


The Bible says let us hold fast to the confession of our faith which indicates that we could lose it if we don’t hold on to it.  We hold onto the confession of our faith by continually affirming what we prayed based on the Word of God.


The confession of our mouth establishes the Word in our heart.  When we speak the Word it releases the ability of God inside us. What we speak with our mouth, right or wrong, it will get into our hearts.


Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Fear comes by hearing and speaking the words of the devil.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for.  Then fear is the substance of things you don’t desire.


There are times in our life we have to overcome what we can see, feel, and hear by the confession of the Word.  It renews our mind to where we begin to think like God thinks and see the way God sees.


Let’s keep the promise of God in our mouth.  It will summon faith and cause us to live out the reality of the promise of God in our life.


Love Pastor Carol