Our Constant March 22, 2021

Malachi 3:6 says, "I am the Lord, I do not change…"


This is our word from God giving us stability in a different world today.

In the beginning, God set up the seasons, day and night, the incoming and outgoing tides. He placed man in a world in which the sun rises at a different time every single day and sets at a different time each evening.

Our life is filled with activity that we adjust, adapt, and accommodate ourselves to changing situations. But even with all this, there is one constant: God.

Whatever is going on around us, we know that He is the same, day in and day out, He never changes.  He can be trusted. He is faithful. He is true. He has a good will toward us. His love is always steady.

We don’t have to be uneasy of what the media says. How the election turned out. Wearing the mask or standing six feet from someone in the store. The gas prices or the scarcity of food.

2 Samuel 22:32 says, “
Who is God? Only the Lord. Who is the Rock? Only our God.”


God is our rock.  He is our constant. He is our deliverer. He is our strength. He is our peace. Yes, we have a promise from our God, "I am the Lord, I change not for you."

He never takes vacations or days off. Anytime, anywhere, under any circumstance, we can breathe His name and know we have an instant audience with Him. What an awesome thing to know that our God is God, who constantly watches over us day and night.