Our Dependence Day  July 12, 2021

John 8:31-32 says, “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”


On July 4, 2021, it will be 245 years since a group of men gathered in the east room of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to sign the Declaration of Independence.

They carried out this act to express their dedication and commitment to live independently of England’s rulership.

This one act of independence resulted in the formation of 13 colonies, which today are known as The United States of America.


Almost 2,000 years ago Jesus died as our perfect substitute.  He went to hell to redeem mankind from the curse of the law – poverty, sickness and spiritual death. 


Our one act of independence from the devil was when we walked down the aisle to accept Jesus into our life.  That day was the “day of our dependence” upon Jesus. 


We made Him the Lord of our life.  We became independent from the devils ownership of our life and totally dependent upon Jesus for our life.


Every July 4th, we celebrate our independence as “One Nation Under God” as Christians we are reminded of the day we gave our lives to Jesus and declared our “dependence day” upon Him. 


No matter what comes to try to take our rights and privileges as Americans or as Children of God, remember that our nation is the most powerful nation on earth, and that our God is the Almighty.


Our rights in this world are not determined by what some country, government, denomination, individual, court, or flip of a coin may suggest. 


What determines our rights is the day that we make a declaration of “In God We Trust” – the day of our dependence.                               


Love Pastor Carol