Our Identity In Him July 4, 2022

2 Cor. 5:17 says, Therefore if any person is engrafted in Christ he is a new creature altogether; the old moral and spiritual condition has passed away.                               Behold the fresh and new has come!

Some people identify with their challenges instead of identifying with Christ.  You may be dealing with a sickness, but understand, you are not a sick person trying to get well. You are a well person fighting off sickness. You may be struggling in your finances, but you're not a poor person trying to get ahead. You're a successful person fighting off poverty. You may be struggling with an addiction. Don't see yourself as an addict. Don't let that image become ingrained on the inside. You are not an addicted person trying to get free. You are a free person fighting off an addiction.

Remember, in Christ you are a new creature. The old has passed away. Don't let it cling to you! Allow your identity with Christ to embrace the freedom and victory He has for you!

So, today choose to identify with Jesus, who came to give an abundant life. He made all things new. He is at work in our life and  declare I am healthy, whole and strong in Jesus' name.


Love Pastor Carol