Our Mouth Reflects Our Heart June 14, 2021

Matthew 15:11, 18 says, You are not defiled by what you eat; you are defiled by what you say and do… But evil words come from an evil heart and defile the person who says them.


The Pharisees criticized Jesus because His disciples didn't wash their hands before eating. Jesus told them that unwashed hands could never defile them but the words that come out of the mouth is what defiles them.


We are responsible for what we say. We have the control over our mouth. We have to guard what we say, for the mouth is a powerful weapon that can destroy or give life.


What we say and do reflects what we believe, who we are, and what's in our hearts.

We can use our mouth to praise and worship the Lord and to build people up. Use it to proclaim the truth of the Word and to testify about the love of God. 


In order for our mouth to speak the truth of the Word and build people up with God's love, our heart must be kept pure. By spending time with the Lord, reading, studying, and meditating on His Word. If that's what you put in, that's what
will come.


Love Pastor Carol