Our Place of Grace 3May2020

Good Morning Church Family,


Psalm 112:7 says,

He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.


This verse states the person who trusts in God is never afraid because his heart is fixed on Him.  That’s good news for us today, because of the circumstances right now. 


We believers are fixed on the Lord as our sole supply.  Our focused dependence is on Him.  Our trust is upon the only, absolutely, dependable thing in the universe:  the Lord Jesus Christ.  Our heart is fixed, because we trust in Him.



Our Place of Grace


1 John 5:4, 18 says, “Every God-begotten person conquers the world’s ways. The conquering power that brings the world to its knees is our faith… The God-begotten are also the God-protected. The evil one can’t lay a hand on them”. 


We are born again children of God.  We are the protected, the delivered, the whole, the healed, and the restored. 


This is the testimony of such a person:  An Iranian pastor named Yousef Nadarkhani was arrested and imprisoned in 2010 for being a Christian and preaching the Gospel in Iran.  Once in prison, he was given a choice:  either renounce his faith in Jesus or be executed.  He refused to renounce Jesus, so he was condemned to die. 


The ungodly Iranian government was bold in carrying out executions, so the situation was hopeless. But Christians began to pray about it anyway.  They began to lay hold on God’s delivering power for Pastor Yousef.  Although he stayed locked up in prison for several years and the government kept threatening to execute him, believers kept praying. 


In 2013, he was set free!


From a natural perspective, such an outcome should have been impossible.  But God did it.


When we respond to God according to faith, He’ll respond to us according to grace – and His grace is always more than enough.  It always brings God’s power on the scene to deliver.


When we’re living by faith in the place of grace, the devil can’t lay a hand on us.  He’ll try.  He’ll trespass and try to take advantage of us.  He’ll pressure us by saying, it won’t work this time, you know you’re not as good as so-n-so; your prayers aren’t always answered, and even send people to confirm these lies. But those thoughts and those people aren’t saying what the Bible says.


The Bible says we’re the God-protected, in every situation, all the time.


It’s up to us. We make the choice to believe, trust in His Word and His Voice.  We keep our eyes on the word of God, keep our thinking right and keep our mouth saying the Bible.


We are physically, spiritually placed in Psalm 91:1: “we’re living in the secret place of the Most High God and hiding under the shadow of the Almighty.  He is our refuge and our fortress”.


We dwell continually by faith in the place of grace where the devil can’t lay a hand on us.



Church Family,


My heart is with every one of you.  I pray for you every day.  You’re always on my mind & I can see each and every one of you.  That’s how connected we are because Bethesda is one heart, one voice & one mind.


I Love You Very Much                                                                     &                                                                                                 See You Sooner Than You Think,


Pastor Carol