Our Song of Deliverance July 26, 2021

Galatians 5:1 says, Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free


July Fourth, is when we celebrate our nations independence and our freedom as Americans.

Part of our heritage is our national anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner."  When our army faced adversity those stars and stripes still flew. Our flag stood for freedom then and it stands for freedom today.

The last line of our national anthem asks, "O say, does that Star - Spangled Banner yet wave, o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?" And we still proudly answer that question—"Yes, those stars and stripes still fly over this country today!"

There are things that we do not have to endure because the Stars and Stripes fly over this nation. There are also things that we do not have to endure because the blood-stained banner of the Lord Jesus Christ flies over our hearts!

That banner says to the devil, "This territory belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ, and it operates according to the Word of God.


Let us remember our heritage today—both as Americans and as Christians. We have been redeemed from tyranny and can live in freedom because of what the  Star - Spangled Banner and the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ stand for.

Let us never forget the thousands who have laid down their lives, and the one man who gave His life, so that we could be free!


Love Pastor Carol