Our Victory January 31, 2022

1 Corinthians 15:57 says, But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.


Defeat is not a part of God's nature, so it’s not a part of ours. Through the blood of Jesus, we are united with the life of God.  We can live in the same victory that is part of God's nature.

Some Christians without putting the Word of God in their hearts everyday live "roller coaster lives." They’re up and down with every situation they face. Without knowing God or what His Word says, some think this "roller coaster ride" is normal. This thinking is a lie from the devil.

God wants us to live a consistent life of victory. If we always stand on His Word and believe what it says, we will live in a place of constant victory.

Our steadfast confession is what will put us over. When we use the authority that Jesus gave us, we can speak to any mountain and watch it crumble.

The victory He obtained over the devil is still in effect. The devil has not won back any territory since his defeat. Stand firm in the victory Christ has obtained for us.


Love Pastor Carol