Resurrection Sunday 12Apr2020

Good Morning Church Family On This Resurrection Sunday,


This is the day that Jesus set us free, He stripped the devil of his power over us and overcame him, gave us the keys to death, hell and the grave. 


Luke 10:19 (TPT) Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority.


How Much Power Do We Have?


Jesus has the greatest power in the whole universe! When He walked the earth, He healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, walked on water, changed water into wine, and multiplied loaves and fishes. In fact, Jesus performed so many miracles that the apostle John said, "And there were also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written" (John 21:25).


Satan was terrified of Jesus. That's why he inspired Herod to kill  all the babies in Bethlehem and the surrounding region. When that failed, the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. And when that failed, he tried to kill Jesus on numerous occasions with angry religious people but He supernaturally slipped out of their hands.

Satan's next attempt was using Judas Iscariot. The enemy influenced Judas to lead a massive group of Roman soldiers and temple police to arrest Jesus.


Jesus and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. Judas knew where Jesus would be that night.  So, he led the soldiers and temple police to arrest Him.


John 18:3 says, "Judas, then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, came there with lanterns and torches and weapons."


How many soldiers & officers were coming to arrest one man?  The Greek word for "a band of men" is spira. It describes a military group of 300 to 600 soldiers. The word "officers" is huperetas.  It describes the "police officers" who worked on the temple grounds.

So, when the Roman soldiers and temple police arrived to arrest Jesus, the hillside where the Garden was located was covered with Roman soldiers and trained police from the Temple Mount. There had to be 300 – 600 plus soldiers and police officers that came to arrest one man.


What did Judas tell these officials that made them think they needed a small army to arrest Him!  Or were the chief priests  nervous that Jesus might use His supernatural power to resist them?

What about this power of Jesus Christ! I’ll tell you, the same power that flowed through Him when He walked on this earth now flows through us. The same Holy Spirit who anointed Jesus to fulfill His ministry has been sent to empower us to do the same works He did and even greater! This is the greatest power in the universe and it operates in us!


When Jesus said, "I AM," the power that was released was so tremendous that it knocked the soldiers backward to the ground.  He later told Pilate, "… You could have no power at all against Me, except it were given to you from above..."  Indeed, there was so much power present that no one could have withstood Jesus had He chosen to resist.

Anytime the devil tries to tell you that you aren’t a serious threat to be feared, rise up and remind him of who you are and Who lives inside you! Tell him you are a child of the Most High God and the Greater One lives inside you.  That you are a world overcomer and the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you. The anointing that was on Jesus now rests in you.


When intimidation from the devil comes, open your heart and release the immense power of Jesus Christ that is stored inside you. This power is resident in your heart and is more than enough to face and overcome any obstacle the devil ever tries to throw in your way!


This is what today is all about.  Resurrection Sunday, when God raised Jesus from the dead to redeem us back to life and the power to live it.


*Now at this time let’s gather our families together and have communion.  Gather your communion elements, bread or crackers, juice or water. 


1 Cor. 11:24-26 He took the bread and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”  In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.


Now our church family has received communion together. 


I love you and see you sooner than you think.


Pastor Carol