Spirit Led Living October 18, 2021

Romans 8:2 says, For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.


When we live according to the Spirit, the Law of God will be fulfilled in our life – it will only be accomplished by the leading of God’s Spirit and not through the letter of the Law. We will get along with our fellow man, live a life of worship and dedication to God.


He will guide us into all Truth for our life, keeping us from danger and disaster, and leading us into all the Lord’s goodness and blessing.

This is what it means to live in the Law of the Spirit of Life. It was for freedom that Christ Jesus set us free and that freedom comes only through living in the Law of the Spirit of Life.

It’s the way God wants to lead us. It eliminates all guess-work. When we live and walk in the Spirit, we live totally free. Real freedom can only come through living according to the Spirit, because that is where the Life of God abides and operates.


When we make it our goal to live according to the Spirit, keeping our mind set on God and allowing His Spirit to lead us in everything we do, we will know and experience the freedom that comes only by living in Him.

For the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus Has made us free!


Love Pastor Carol