Spiritual Power April 26, 2021

Galatians 5:22-23 says, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Against such there is no law.

So many believers think of the fruit of the Spirit as not more than a list of pleasant qualities that can help improve their personalities.  But they are far, far more than that!  They are pure spiritual power. 

Love is so powerful, the Bible says, that it never fails.  Patience is so powerful it cannot be stopped.  No matter what the circumstances, it will not quit.  Self-control is so powerful it can master all the desires of your flesh.

The fruits of the Spirit are not weak; they are strong.  So strong the devil and all his demons can’t stop them.  So strong that if we will let them flow out of us, they will correct the problems in our life.  They will keep us steadfast when all the people around us are falling down.  They will keep us on our feet when governments fail and when the storms of life come. 

We are living in dangerous days.  There’s only one way we can make it through in victory, by releasing those powerful fruits of the Spirit, God has placed inside us.  They are there, practice yielding to them as 2 Peter 1:10 promised, you shall never fall.

Love Pastor Carol