Stand Up In Him June 27, 2022

Galatians 6:9 says, And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.


The devil will try to put you back into bondage and keep you contained, so you will react to his smoke screen of fear and doubt, thus causing you to be on the same old wheel, going nowhere. But wait! Don't quit! Don't give up! Don't let weariness overtake you.


The enemy will come to steal your peace by bringing the old feelings and thoughts to your mind in order to trap you into agreeing with him that you won't make it.

But now, you have the power and ability of your Father God inside of you, so you do not have to be controlled or motivated by the old man.

You are not helpless any more. Instead of being a victim you are now a victor! Instead of going from crises to crises you can go from blessing to blessing!


If you want to quit, quit the old way of thinking and reacting in fear and begin to think like a child of God.

Walk like a Child of God. Talk like a Child of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Your Father God is a God of love. It is His love that surpasses all human understanding and His love that chose you before the very foundation of the earth.


Before earth ever existed, you were in the heart of God. He looked down through time, saw you, and said "that is My child.”


When you stand up in who you are in Him, you will truly be a victor, going from blessing to blessing. So don't give up, don't quit, stand up in who you are…stand up in Him.


Love Pastor Carol