Supernatural October 4, 2021

Luke 8:25 says, “What manner of man is this!


When I was a girl, my friends and I read the comics of super heroes.  Most of us looked to Superman as the favorite. We would   pretend to be like him tying a towel or some piece of cloth around our neck.

Then we would get up on top of something and loudly proclaim...”here I am, faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound."

It is one thing to play like Superman, and another thing to be him. I realized I would have to settle for being just a person. But then I found out God's plan for my life. I could be much more than just a person, I was a super hero. God had a new identity for me.

When Jesus calmed the stormy seas, His disciples exclaimed, "What manner of man is this!"  Jesus told them to go across the lake, but the weather conditions caused fear to rise up and they forgot His words.

Sometimes, even when we have heard the Word, circumstances come. We have to make sure our faith isn’t overcome by fear. We can’t forget what manner of men we are.

Jesus knew who He was! He knew and operated in His authority. A storm was not about to keep Him from getting to the other side of the lake. He was a SUPERNATURAL MAN.

What about us? Second Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

New "creatures" - We are no longer just people, but supernatural, exactly like Jesus.

When we were born again of a supernatural God, that put us on a new level. We are SUPERNATURAL!      

Love Pastor Carol