Take Courage September 27, 2021

Deuteronomy 31:23 says, God commanded Joshua saying, “Be strong. Take courage. You will lead the People of Israel into the land I promised to give them. And I’ll be right there with you.”


Courage is the confidence to act in accordance with what is  believed.  Courage will do what is right and to do what God says no matter what people say.


For the Christian courage in every area of our life is possible.  It doesn’t matter how large or small the situation may seem.

It takes courage to go to school, get married, have children, take a job, drive a car or buy a house.

Courage is in our everyday life.

It takes courage to obey the Bible. 

We’re going against the way of the world and some Christians:                             Some will say, “They believe in healing don’t they know that has passed away?”  Others will say, “They believe God’s going to give them some money, oh yea, I can see it raining down from heaven.” 

The world will laugh and make fun of us but they will call when they’re in trouble.

It always takes courage when we obey the Word.  It takes courage, strength and determination to stay with it, especially when the world seems to offer an easier, quicker way.

When people and circumstances are screaming in our ears, it takes courage to stand on God’s promises and not be moved.

But when we make the decision to stand and have courage, we’ll be in the position to receive the success God promised.


Love Pastor Carol