The Battle is Mine – The Victory is Yours April 12, 2021

Governments shall be changed.  Nations of the world will stand in awe for My power shall be manifest and you’ll see it. You will see it in the day which you live.  For that day is at hand….So, Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!


This prophecy was given by Charles Capps in 1979. It sounds as though it was given yesterday.


The end of this age is fast approaching. We've come to the last of the last days. Jesus' return is upon us and I believe His coming is even sooner than we think.


It says in Revelation 12:12, the devil's time is short. He is doing all he can to kill, steal and destroy. We have seen over the past few years the government turned upside down, outrageous laws passed, our freedom of speech taken and our religious rights threatened.

But there is no worry or fear for the believer because God has given us weapons so powerful they can give us victory over the devil every time.

Because Revelation 12:10-11 says,
they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony.

It does not matter what is going on in this world we have the Word of God, His Spirit, His Blood and our mouth to change things.     The Battle is God’s – The Victory is Ours.


Love Pastor Carol