The Fig Tree August 2020

The Fig Tree

One of Satan's major weapons is deception. We must guard against his deception because it can lead us down a road we don’t want to go.  But we can answer his deception just as Jesus did. 


In Mark Chapter 11, the parable of the fig tree Jesus heard the fig tree talking to him.  He went to it and discovered it was lying to Him.  It wasn’t the season for figs and even though it had leaves it had no figs. 


Fig trees naturally grow fruit before the leaves open, so this tree in full leaf gave promise of well-developed fruit within it. But its appearance was deceptive.


So He spoke back to the tree with authority and stopped the tree from ever lying again.  The fig tree heard the authority that Jesus spoke and it obeyed Him. 


The disciples had heard Jesus speak to the tree.  The next morning as they traveled down the same road, Peter saw the fig tree and exclaimed, “Master the tree is dead from the roots.”  Jesus replied, “Have faith in God.”


When we take authority with the Word of God we can stop Satan's plans.  Having faith and speaking God's Word will paralyze the enemy. If we don't, he will try to dominate our lives and eventually make his plans become a reality in us.             


We have to remember the devil is defeated and the battle has already been won. In Jesus we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). All we have to do is have faith in the Word of God.