The Greater One April 19, 2021

"He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world" 1 John 4:4 NKJ.

Someone asked why a football never gets deflated in a game. Twenty-two huge guys kick it, throw it, fall on it, fumble it - yet it never gets "squashed" or loses its size to deflation.

The answer is really simple. The internal pressure of the ball is much greater than all the pressure 22 guys can place upon it externally.

This verse says the same thing about the believer. The power of the Holy Spirit residing in our hearts is greater than all the pressure the external world can put upon us.

The devil’s strategy is to deflate us and make us quit, but the Holy Ghost gives us buoyancy. It seems sometimes that we are tossed around by circumstances, but the Lord's power will always cause us to bounce back.

This truth gives us confidence knowing that whatever situation we face He is there. It is a constant reminder of God's sustaining grace, Christ's resident peace, and the Holy Spirit's indwelling power. Greater is the power within us than the pressure upon us. So hang in there, teammate; despite the hard hits, we're winning!


Love Pastor Carol