The Kingdom of God in Us November 14, 2022

Luke 13:18-21 says, 18 Jesus asked, “What is the kingdom of God like? And to what shall I compare it? 19 It is like a mustard seed, which a man took and put in his garden; and it grew and became a large tree, and the birds of the air nested in its branches.”

What do you think the kingdom of God is? We learn of God’s kingdom by reading His Word, the manual for our life.


Kingdom means a territory or a country subject to a king or queen. The kingdom of God is above all kingdoms, it’s spiritual and it is based in unconditional love.


Jesus is the King, and its constitution is the Bible.

When we make Jesus our Lord, we give Him permission to govern our lives.


The process of kingdom living begins in us:


1 He gives us instructions through the Word. When we follow His    instructions (operating in the Word) we start recognizing His voice and His guidance.


2 When we obey His voice by doing the Word , we are doing His will and that establishes His Kingdom in the earth.


And as a results:


3 We will experience the abundant life He has promised us—a life rooted in unconditional love.


As Believers, we are representatives (or ambassadors) of the kingdom of God. We are influencing the lives of people around us whether we realize it or not.


They are watching us: how we react; how we talk; how we don’t complain or blame and how we love.


Our lives should demonstrate that we are a peculiar people, set apart from the world system.  We just live according to God’s system, the Kingdom of God.


Love Pastor Carol