This is Easter April 24, 2023

When we stand before God as believers, it will be to receive the rewards for being obedient to do the things He has taught us to do. That’s something you want to know about.


Every little thing you do for God from a pure heart carries a reward. Everything! Your prayers will be rewarded, your right attitude and integrity rewarded, your good actions rewarded, and so much more. That is why you want to know Jesus and understand how to walk out His destiny for your life. When we stand before God it won’t be a day to fear. As a believer, it’s a day about encountering the God who loves you, and about a life to be rewarded! This is Easter! That is why Jesus said,

“When that happens, rejoice! Yes, leap for joy! For a great reward awaits you in heaven…”  Luke 6:23


Love Pastor Carol