Through Love February 20, 2023

John 14:15 says, If ye love me, keep my commandments

There is a greater reason that we must walk in love other than just being nice to each other. When we walk in love toward one another it sends a message to the world that will draw them to Jesus, and cause them to live in victory and dominion over the devil.

One of the last things Jesus taught His disciples is to love Him. Now, do you love Jesus? The standard by which He judges your love is not what you say. His standard is in what you do.

Jesus said if you love Him keep His commandments. What commandment is that? You must love Him and love one another as Jesus has given you commandment.

So what He cares about is people being reached with the gospel. And they can only be reached one way, through the anointing, which only manifests itself through love.


Love Pastor Carol