Vision May 9, 2022

Proverbs 29:18 says, Where there is no vision, the people perish; are uncontrolled; lose restraint & run wild.


God has given every person a vision for their life. It’s unique to that individual and only they can accomplish it the way God wants it.


We have to believe in our vision. It doesn’t matter what condition we or the world is in, the Holy Spirit can do anything through us anytime, anyplace. Perseverance is the key to reaching the goal.


If we value the vision God gives us, we’ll protect it.               


We’ll guard it from:


1 doubt or unbelief (we have to stay in the word & prayer)                                           2 situations (things not lining up the way we thought)                                                   3 people (ones without a vision can’t see what we see)                                                        4 from fading away (time-forgetting, discouragement)                                                  5 circumstances (not enough finances)                                                


What God has given us to do may be like nothing done before. Everyone has a right to their vision no matter what anybody thinks or says. What matters is the passion to fulfill it.


Love Pastor Carol