What We Say Really Matters June 21, 2021

Proverbs 18:21says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.


A leading neurosurgeon said, “That the speech center in the brain exercises dominion over the whole central nervous system.  When the speech center is stimulated, the whole central nervous system responds.”


So, when anyone says, “I am weak,” the speech center sends out the message to the whole body to prepare to be weak.  This must be the reason that God said, “Let the weak say, I am strong” (Joel 3:10).


Words create because they dominate.  Whether our words are filled with faith or doubt, they will dominate the circumstances of our life. Our words will make us victorious or they will keep us trapped.


We have all the power we need to get the victory. It’s in our mouth.  We just have to speak it out.


Whatever is in our heart in abundance is going to come out of our mouth. If we believe God can heal us, then our belief will come out of our mouth, by His stripes we are healed.


What comes out of our mouth will happen. Our words create faith or fear; peace or distress; strength or weakness; prosperity or poverty; health or sickness.


Proverbs 13:3 says, Be careful what you say and protect your life. A careless talker destroys himself.


When we speak the faith of God the blessing will be in our life, when we speak fear that is what will be in our life.


When we speak peace we can live in the peace of God that guards our hearts & minds, when we speak distress we will live a distressed life.


When we speak strength we will have the strength of the Word living in us, when we speak weakness we will have weakness.


When we speak prosperity we shall never want for anything, when we speak poverty we will not have anything.


When we speak health we are healed, when we speak sickness we bring sickness into our life.


We speak words every day that create an atmosphere around us. We are living in an environment that we created by our own words. That’s why it’s important to be filled with & speak the Word of God.


Love Pastor Carol