Sunday 29Mar2020

You Can Have What You Say

Numbers 13 says, after the children of Israel reached Kadesh-Barnea, they sent twelve spies into Canaan. Ten of the spies brought back an evil report from the promised land, and two brought back a good report.

What is an evil report? It is a report of doubt. What is a good report? It is a report of faith.

The ten spies said, "It's true, all right, that the land is flowing with milk and honey." They even displayed the giant clusters of grapes, pomegranates, and other fruit they had brought back from Canaan. But, they warned, "There are giants in the land.  In our sight we are as grasshoppers and also in their sight."

The children of Israel got exactly what they said. They believed they couldn't take it, so they said they couldn't take it. And they didn't.  Even when we doubt, we believe something; we just believe the wrong thing.

We always get and have in our life what we believe for and say.  The 10 spies got exactly what they said. Not one of them entered into the promised land. They all wandered in the wilderness until they died. What they said came to pass.

It was different for Joshua and Caleb. Caleb said, "Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it." Num. 13:30.  Joshua said, "Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them.” Num. 14:9.

Joshua and Caleb did not deny that there were giants in the land. But they confessed, "Our God is well able to deliver them into our hands. We're well able to overcome the giants and possess the land."


Joshua and Caleb were the only members of that generation who entered the promised land. Joshua became the leader and when they got into Canaan, Caleb came to Joshua and said, "Give me this mountain."  Joshua asked, "Are you able to take the mountain? There are giants in the mountain. The Anakims are in that mountain."


At age 85 Caleb said, "I am well able.”  And he did.

We have the incorruptible seed in our heart and we say.  Mark 11:23


We have the Covenant of Grace & Peace through the Blood of Jesus.      Hebrews 13:20


We have God’s protection.  Psalm 91


Yes, we are well able to overcome.  When we believe in our heart and say with our mouth it will come to pass.  No doubt about it.


2 Chronicles 20:20 says, Believe the prophets and we will prosper.


The Word of the Lord came to Brother Kenneth Copeland saying:

This disease, called COVID-19, will be over much sooner than you think.  Christian people all over this country praying have overwhelmed it.  Give Me all the glory says the Spirit of Grace & many, many people will come to know Me through it.  I’m still Lord over this nation.  I’m on the throne and faith in Me changes things.


So, let’s believe this Word of the Lord together and see this thing go, giving God all the glory and praise. 


Standing strong in our authority through faith we have the victory!


I love you & I will see you soon

Pastor Carol Hollis